Database Principles: Providing Examples and Detailed Explanation of Functional Dependencies

Sekito Lyu
5 min readSep 9, 2023



Functional dependency is a key concept in database design, helping us understand and maintain relationships between data. In this article, we will delve into the core principles of functional dependencies and their practical applications in relational databases.

Whether you are a database administrator, developer, or data scientist, understanding functional dependencies is an essential skill. Through this article, you will learn how to identify and utilize concepts such as full functional dependency, partial functional dependency, and transitive functional dependency to enhance the quality and performance of database design. We will provide clear definitions and practical examples to help you easily grasp these concepts and apply them to address real-world data challenges.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, this article will provide valuable information to help you better manage and analyze data within databases. Let’s start exploring functional dependencies in depth and lay a solid foundation for your work with databases.

Section Two: Functional Dependency Concepts

Functional dependency refers to the correspondence between attributes in a relation.

Functional dependency is mathematically defined and is used in relations to characterize situations where attributes in a relation mutually constrain and depend on each other. Functional dependencies are common in real-life scenarios. For example, when describing a student’s record, there can be attributes like student ID, name, and department. Since one student ID corresponds to one and only one student, and a student is enrolled in a specific department, when the value of the “student ID” attribute is determined, the values of “name” and “department” are uniquely determined. In this case, we can say that “name” and “department” functionally depend on “student ID” or that “student ID” determines “name” and “department,” denoted as: student ID → name, student ID → department. Below is the precise definition of functional dependency.

The definition is as follows:

Let R(U, F) be a relation with attribute set U and a set of functional dependencies F. Let X and Y be two subsets of U. For any relation r in R, for each specific value of X, there exists a unique corresponding value of Y. Then, X determines the function Y, or Y is functionally dependent on X, denoted as X → Y (X is the independent variable, Y is the dependent variable, and each X can only yield one Y).

If X → Y and Y → X, then X ↔ Y. If they are not dependent, a diagonal line is drawn on the arrow. In simple terms, if X → Y, then for any two tuples in relation r, if ti[X] = tj[X], then ti[Y] = tj[Y]. Here, we can also think of single and double mapping in functions.

Functional dependency can be understood as a constraint between attributes, and it can be used to assess whether the constructed relational tables are reasonable.

Section Three: Three Types of Functional Dependency Relationships

Functional dependency can be classified into three types: full functional dependency, partial functional dependency, and transitive functional dependency.

3.1 Full Functional Dependency Consider R as a given relation, with X and Y as its attribute sets. If X → Y, and for any proper subset X’ of X, X’! → Y, then Y is said to have a full functional dependency on X.

In simple terms, with full functional dependency, all attributes in A must be present to uniquely determine B. For example, if (student ID, course name) → grade, and neither student ID nor course name individually can determine the grade, then we have a full functional dependency.

3.2 Partial Functional Dependency

Consider R as a given relation, with X and Y as its attribute sets. If X → Y, and there exists a proper subset X’ of X such that X’ → Y, then Y is said to have a partial functional dependency on X.

In simple terms, with partial functional dependency, some attributes in A can determine B, while others are optional. For example, if (student ID, course name) → name, and student ID alone can determine name, we have a partial functional dependency.

3.3 Transitive Functional Dependency

Consider R as a given relation, with X, Y, and Z as its distinct attribute subsets. If X → Y, Y! → X, and Y → Z, then X → Z is called a transitive functional dependency.

In simple terms, if A → B, B → C, and A does not directly determine C (to prevent A → C directly), then we can conclude A → C, which is called a transitive functional dependency.

In summary

This article delves into the concept of functional dependency and its critical role in database design. By learning about full functional dependency, partial functional dependency, and transitive functional dependency, we emphasize the indispensable nature of functional dependencies in ensuring data integrity, consistency, and performance in databases.

First, we understand the basic definition of functional dependency, where the relationship between independent and dependent variables forms the cornerstone of database design. Through practical examples and explanations, we reveal how functional dependencies help standardize data in databases, ensuring data consistency.

Next, we delve into three common types of functional dependencies: full functional dependency, partial functional dependency, and transitive functional dependency. Understanding these types is crucial for designing complex database architectures as they help us determine data relationships, eliminate redundant information, and improve database performance.

In practical database design, the application of functional dependencies is not just a theoretical concept but a powerful tool for ensuring data accuracy and consistency. By defining and using functional dependencies effectively, we can avoid data anomalies and errors, enhancing database maintainability.

Functional dependency is an indispensable concept in the field of databases, contributing to the construction of efficient and reliable database systems. Whether you are a database administrator, developer, or data scientist, a deep understanding and application of functional dependencies will enhance your professional competence in the database domain, bringing significant benefits to your projects and organizations. In future database design and management, do not overlook the importance of functional dependencies; they will be one of the key factors for your success.



Sekito Lyu
Sekito Lyu

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